Construction Bonds Overview
Sticks and Bricks construction projects comprise our core business, both in the public and private sectors. We understand this business and use our 15+ in-house surety markets to ensure our contractors have as close to perfect surety programs as possible. Most surety brokers only utilize 5 or 6 surety companies, some even less. Our access to 15+ surety companies ensures our contractors are matched with the ideal surety company for their particular company’s size and market segment. In other words we DON’T try and fit a square peg into a round hole. We have at least one bonding company specifically suited to your needs. We also provide a backup surety for each of our clients in the events things occur that require a second opinion at a moments notice. Our business model guarantees that our clients are getting the most competitive bond program available at all times.
We use our vast array of bonding companies in the pursuit of the perfect bond program and strive to ensure that each of our very different contractor clients have THE BEST surety program available to them at all times. Simply put, if your bonds are not being placed through AllStates Bonding, chances are OUR CLIENTS ARE SUCCESSFULLY SECURING BONDED WORK at terms and conditions that are better than yours; including better rates, larger bond programs and relaxed personal indemnity in some cases. The current economic environment dictates that contractors must utilize every advantage available to secure their next project. AllStates Bonding helps to maximize your advantages by providing opportunities that are unavailable through other brokers.
Simpy put, we have access to the surety markets that are the best fit for your company and can give you a bond program that creates an edge for you over your competition. Once we partner you with the surety best suited for company, you will enjoy the luxury of not having to jump through hoops and deal with the same questions over and over for every bond request.
Why Choose AllStates Bonding?
We provide the most competitive bond program in the industry.
If you’re not getting your BONDS with us there is a good chance you’re competing with someone who is – and they are getting better terms, including better rates than you are.
We are 100% focused on Surety Bonds
Unlike most insurance agents, we concentrate all of our time, talents, resources and efforts on surety bonds.
Over 25 years of experience in the Surety industry
Each partner has been in the surety industry for over 25 years, including managerial experience in the underwriting departments of major surety companies.